President: Sandy Saab
I am a 2nd year PhD student specializing in wireless communications, electromagnetics and antenna design. I work closely on solving problems at RF frequencies and THz. I interned at both Apple and Samsung and had a wonderful experience working on cutting edge problems. I am enrolled in the Decision, Information and Communication Engineering program at UT Austin under the supervision of Prof. Robert Heath Jr.
Fun Fact: I love swimming, painting and kickboxing!
Vice President: Ezgi Tekgul
I am currently working towards my MS and PhD at UT Austin in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Jeffrey Andrews. My research interests lie mainly in the intersection between wireless communications and machine learning. Currently, I am working on base station antenna parameters optimization using reinforcement learning.
Fun Fact: I was an artistic gymnast for approximately 8 years.
Treasurer: Rebecca Adaimi
I am a 3rd year PhD student at UT Austin in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering working in the Human Singals Lab under the supervision of Prof. Edison Thomaz. I am also affiliated with the Wireless, Networking & Communications Group (WNCG). Alongside academic work, I have industrial experiences through internships at Intel, CA and Google X, CA. My main research lies at the intersection of mobile and ubiquitous computing and human centered AI. This includes the computational perception of human signals while leveraging multimodal wearable and non-wearable technologies.​
Fun Fact: I played the piano for over 11 years. After moving to Austin, I bought a keyboard and still play in my spare time. My favorite composers are Ludovico Einaudi and Yiruma.
Corporate Chair: Monica Ribero Diaz
I am a fourth year Ph.D. student in ECE department at the University of Texas at Austin under the supervision of Prof. Haris Vikalo and Prof. Robert W. Heath Jr.. I am interested in the theoretical problems in the intersection of machine learning, communications, and their applications to the real world. Particularly, I am working on designing communication efficient federated learning and algorithms without centralized data collection, that can provide more privacy and control to users.
Fun Fact: I love mountains and rock climbing